What design services do you provide?
We specialize in graphic design for print. Everything from logos, brand development, tradeshow graphics, print material - business cards, letterhead, envelopes, flyers, postcards - to websites, and vehicle graphics. Please contact us to discuss your project and design requirements.
How does your logo design process work?
We make this process simple & easy for our clients. We start with setting up a meeting to discuss the overall concept, client input, and to meet our clients in person. At this point we require a 50% deposit to add your project into our work schedule. We honor first come first serve. Each of our projects are custom. We do not work with templates or stock art. From here we send over a proof via email, client reviews and we prep logo files for our clients in various formats & provide on a disc, thumbdrive or through an online file manager.
What if I lose my logo files?
We do not manage client files. If a client requests their logo files, we do charge a $20 file transfer fee.
What do you charge for your graphic design services?
We charge $80/hour for graphic design services. All of our projects are custom & once we discuss the entire project with our clients we can provide an estimate.
Is the artwork our property once paid for?
No, not the actual artwork files. Artwork files are the intellectual property of R Digital Design.
The reason is, our clients pay us to design professional graphics. When artwork files are manipulated from someone other than R Digital Design, then it is not representing our company or the clients in the manner it was proposed.
When R Digital Design sells a custom design to a client, R Digital Design is not selling the design, itself. We are only selling the right for some entity, (e.g.: a publication, business client) to publish it as is.
As a graphic designer, copyright is vested with the creator (R Digital Design) upon completion of the work (logo, brochure, infographic, event graphics, etc.). This means that as the creator of this work, we own copyright.
To sum it up - R Digital Design graphics are not to be edited, formatted, or changed in any way without our permission.
What are your payment terms?
To begin a project we require 50% deposit to secure a spot in our work schedule.
If the project is strictly design, we require payment in full prior to releasing the logo files.
If the project is print products, we then require payment in full to move into print production.
If the project is vehicle graphics, we require payment in full upon completion of the installation & install hours will be prorated.
Have a question? Drop us a line:
Rob Lewis
Mary Big Bull-Lewis
Art is never finished, only abandoned. - Leonardo da vinci
Elegance is not about being noticed, it's about being remembered. - Giorgio Armani
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept. - Ansel Adams
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. - Jonathan Swift
The true work of art is but a shadow of divine perfection. - Michelangelo